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  • While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy or completeness of the content on TimezSquare.com.  We encourage users to cross-reference information with other reliable sources.
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The information provided on TimezSquare.com is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice.  Users should always consult with qualified professionals before making any decisions based on the information provided. 
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TimezSquare.com reserves the right to modify this disclaimer at any time without prior notice.  Users are responsible for reviewing the disclaimer periodically for any changes.  Continued use of the website after any modifications constitutes acceptance of those changes. 
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact us at praptisiddhe@gmail.com. 
TimezSquare.com may amend these terms at any time by posting a new version on the Website.  You are responsible for reviewing these Terms periodically for any changes.  Your continued use of the Website after the posting of any amended Terms constitutes your acceptance of those amendments.